Development status of rubber additives industry in China in 2018


(1) General situation of rubber additives industry

As a kind of chemical material added in rubber processing to improve the properties of rubber products, the development of rubber additives is closely related to the development of rubber industry, especially tire manufacturing industry. In 1839, Goodyear, an American, discovered that sulphur could be used as a vulcanizing agent to cross-link rubber, thus making rubber useful. Since then, the world rubber additive industry was born. With the development of rubber industry, the position of rubber additives in the rubber industry has been continuously improved, and the technology has been constantly improved.

1. General situation of world rubber additives Market

With the development of the international rubber industry, especially the global tire industry, the world rubber additives industry ushered in a period of rapid development. In 2001, the world rubber additives output was about 880,000 tons; in 2016, the world rubber additives output reached 1.520 million tons, with an annual compound growth rate of 3.71%. In recent years, the global rubber industry has entered a period of stable development, and the matching rubber additives industry has also entered a stage of stable development. In order to optimize the allocation of resources, in the past ten years, foreign rubber additives manufacturers have become more concentrated through mergers and acquisitions, forming four major rubber additives manufacturers: American Flexx Company, American Cojua Company, Langsheng Chemical Company and Czech Agger Concentration Group Company. China's rubber additives industry was founded in 1952, after more than 60 years of development, has formed a complete industrial system including all kinds of rubber additives, and has become the world's largest producer and consumer of rubber additives. With the rapid development of China's rubber industry, the output of rubber additives in China is also rising rapidly. In 2001, China's rubber additives output was about 140,000 tons, accounting for 15.91% of the world's rubber additives output; in 2016, China's rubber additives output reached 1.21 million tons, a significant increase compared with 2001, the annual compound growth rate reached 15.46%; in 2016, China's rubber additives output accounted for about 80% of the world's rubber additives production, and has become the world's largest rubber additives production country.
